The National Picture

A voice for community Landcare

As the peak body representing community Landcarers in the Territory, Landcare NT advocates for community Landcare on behalf of its members. We are one of 8 state and territory peak body members of the National Landcare Network (NLN). 

The National Landcare Network (NLN) is funded through the Australian Government National Landcare Program. Landcare NT is represented on the NLN Board by by Annie Andrews (Landcare NT Chair).  Landcare NT is further represented on the NLN Members Council by Emily Raso (Landcare NT Executive Officer).

The NLN has regular meetings of the Board and Members Council to discuss strategies and develop tools to support the growth of community Landcare across Australia. 

The Australian Community Landcare Futures Framework

The National Landcare Network recently released the Australian Community Landcare Futures Framework (the Framework). The Framework calls on the government to invest in Community Landcare for greater innovation, knowledge-sharing, and community-led climate resilience. The Framework seeks $48million investment over five years in addition to, and complementing, the existing Regional Land Partnership program. The Framework is underpinned by three priority program areas:

  • Landcare Futures Community Investment Program
  • Landcare Futures Environmental Markets
  • Landcare Futures Innovation Program

To read more about the Framework click on the links[100].pdf

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