Find a Landcare Group

Weedwalkers Top End Landcare Group
A Top End Landcare Group

Weedwalkers Top End Landcare Group

Do you like bushwalking through beautiful savanna woodland, monsoon forest and along riversides, camping by streams and swimming in safe waterholes? Sick of being a "consumer" of nature's beauty, and want to give something back that makes a difference? Volunteer with us as we survey and control remote patches of gamba grass and other invasive plant species within Litchfield National Park.

Waste Energy Benefits Us (WeBU)
A Darwin Landcare Group

Waste Energy Benefits Us (WeBU)

Waste Energy Benefits Us (WeBU) exists to help innovate and initiate new ideas. WeBU is active in Darwin and in the process of helping create a ‘waste energy circular economy’.

Friends of Mitchell Creek Catchment
A Palmerston Landcare Group

Friends of Mitchell Creek Catchment

Established in 2009 to ensure the conservation, protection, maintenance and enhancement of natural ecosystems, environment and biodiversity within the Mitchell Creek Catchment for the benefit of the whole community.

Arnhem Coast Clean Up
An Arnhem Land Landcare Group

Arnhem Coast Clean Up

Arnhem Coast Clean-up is a community led initiative to clean up the coastal areas in East Arnhem Land. Working in collaboration with the Dhimurru Rangers, passionate volunteers run clean up events to minimise marine debris which washes up on the shores of East Arnhem Land. Volunteers are welcome to join, from near or far.

McMinns Lagoon Reserve Association
A Greater Darwin Landcare Group

McMinns Lagoon Reserve Association

Formed by a dedicated group of local residents in 1987, who work to provide natural habitat in the reserve for a diverse range of wildlife.

Desert Knowledge Landcare Group
A Central Australian Landcare Group

Desert Knowledge Landcare Group

Desert Knowledge Landcare Group

Friends of Robin Falls
A Greater Darwin Landcare Group

Friends of Robin Falls

Friends of Robin Falls are a community of people who know and love this Top End treasure and want to see it cared for and protected.

NT Field Naturalists' Club
A Greater Darwin Landcare Group

NT Field Naturalists' Club

NT Field Naturalist Club provide opportunities to meet some of these passionate people and to learn and share observations about this great backyard of ours. You are welcome to attend one of our meetings or perhaps tag along on one of our field trips.

Friends of Tumbling Waters Biodiversity Inc
A Greater Darwin Landcare Group

Friends of Tumbling Waters Biodiversity Inc

The Friends of Tumbling Waters Biodiversity Inc is an active group involved in the promotion and protection of the biodiversity in the Tumbling Waters area.

Friends of Fogg Dam
A Greater Darwin Landcare Group

Friends of Fogg Dam

Formed by a group of dedicated volunteers in 2006 to protect and enhance the natural environment at the popular Fogg Dam Conservation Reserve and Wetlands.

Centralian Land Management Association
A Central Australian Landcare Group

Centralian Land Management Association

Formed in 1988 by a group of local pastoralists. The Association is the largest Landcare group (by area) in Australia, extending from Tennant Creek to south of the NT/SA border.

Barkly Landcare and Conservation Association
A Tennant Creek Landcare Group

Barkly Landcare and Conservation Association

Established by a group of primary producers based in the Tennant Creek region who employ a full-time Coordinator to improve natural resource management outcomes.

Holtze Landcare Group
A Greater Darwin Landcare Group

Holtze Landcare Group

Holtze Landcare Group (the Group) is a non-profit organisation created in 2004 with 45 members from Wallaby Holtze Road and nearby communities and has grown to 56 in 2024. The Group aims to promote interconnected conservation, grounded in science and culture and build climate resilient ecosystems and protect wildlife and flora for future generations, and build sustainable outreach educational opportunities.

Royal Darwin Hospital - Greening Project
A Darwin Landcare Group

Royal Darwin Hospital - Greening Project

Royal Darwin Hospital Greening Project began in 2021 after healthcare staff identified an urgent need to adapt the hospital precinct to climate change and ease the hardships of delivering and receiving hospital-based care. Strategic planting along pedestrian corridors improves wellbeing through reducing heat exposure and encouraging active mobility.

Casuarina Coastal Reserve Landcare Group
A Darwin Landcare Group

Casuarina Coastal Reserve Landcare Group

Casuarina Coastal Reserve Landcare Group was formed by a group of dedicated locals 30 years ago who wanted to protect and restore this important habitat corridor.

Roper River Landcare Group
A Gulf Savanna Landcare Group

Roper River Landcare Group

Land owners, land managers and residents committed to monitoring, maintaining and improving the Roper River catchment and its natural values.

Ludmilla Creek Landcare Group
A Darwin Landcare Group

Ludmilla Creek Landcare Group

Working to restore Ludmilla Creek, an important waterway and habitat corridor, for the benefit of future generations of Darwinites.

Alice Springs Landcare Group
A Central Australian Landcare Group

Alice Springs Landcare Group

Represents four landcare groups in the Alice Springs area, including Town Todd, Northside (Dixon Park), Spencer Valley and Ankerre Ankerre (Coolibah Swamp) featuring the Ilparpa Claypans.

Olive Pink Botanic Garden Landcare Group
A Central Australian Landcare Group

Olive Pink Botanic Garden Landcare Group

The Garden was founded in Alice Springs in 1956 by Miss Olive Muriel Pink as the Australian arid regions flora reserve.

Rapid Creek Landcare Group
A Darwin Landcare Group

Rapid Creek Landcare Group

A group of local volunteers who aim to restore and protect natural ecosystems within the Rapid Creek catchment.

Friends of East Point
A Darwin Landcare Group

Friends of East Point

Friends of East Point protect and enhance the natural environment and biodiversity of the East Point Breezeway.

Katherine Landcare Group
A Gulf Savannah Landcare Group

Katherine Landcare Group

Victoria River District Conservation Association
A Gulf Savannah Landcare Group

Victoria River District Conservation Association

Palmerston Conservation Group
A Palmerston Landcare Group

Palmerston Conservation Group

Palmerston Conservation Group activities mainly focus on the Mitchell Creek catchment including the Escarpment area but undertake conservation works in other areas of the municipality too. The group focuses on practical issues such as weed invasion, erosion and littering and raising public awareness of the natural values of this beautiful creek system.

Lakeside Drive Community Garden
A Darwin Landcare Group

Lakeside Drive Community Garden

Lakeside Drive Community Garden is a welcoming space where all members of the community come together to share skills, veggies and smiles. Collectively we hope to create a thriving, healthy centre for producing food, knowledge and inspiration.

Gamba Grass Roots
A Top End Landcare Group

Gamba Grass Roots

Gamba Grass Roots is a volunteer group dedicated to the removal and control of gamba grass through community education, advocacy and co-ordination of gamba removal initiatives. We're aimed at raising awareness of the threat posed by gamba grass to our homes and communities,to our tourism sector and to our unique Top End landscape and wildlife.

Jingili Community Garden
A Darwin Landcare Group

Jingili Community Garden

Jingili Community Garden is an allotment community garden started in 1995 that offers members the ability to organically grow their own produce.

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