A Central Australian Landcare Group

Centralian Land Management Association

About The Centralian Land Management Association

The Centralian Land Management Association (CLMA) is the pastoral industry’s Landcare group in central Australia. It was formed in 1988 by a group of local pastoralists and has developed into the largest Landcare group (by area) in Australia, extending from Tennant Creek to south of the NT/SA border. 

Beef cattle is the primary enterprise in the region and the CLMA area represents about 300,000 km (30 million ha) of land under pastoral lease. The average size of cattle stations in central Australia is over 3,000 km (300,000 ha). Most are family-run properties in remote locations and about 80 properties occupy this area, of which close to 60% are members of the CLMA.

The aim of the group is to promote land management practices that will ensure the sustainable and productive use of pastoral lands. The CLMA is run solely by volunteers with assistance from other organisations to provide advice to members, to support with sustainable natural resource management. 

Group activities

Our main projects have included:

  • Soil conservation
  • Weed control
  • Ecosystem Management Understanding™ (EMU)
  • Property planning

Centralian Land Management Association

Centralian Land Management Association

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