Palmerston Conservation Group activities focus on the Mitchell Creek catchment including the Escarpment area but also undertake conservation works in other areas of the Palmerston municipality.
The group focuses on practical issues such as weed invasion, erosion and littering and raising public awareness of the natural values of this beautiful creek system. The group would also like to foster community involvement and education through the organisation of activities and events in the Mitchell Creek catchment.
Project ideas that are in the pipeline are: The erection of ‘You are in the Mitchell Creek Catchment’ signs; drainage direction signs explaining that the drains run into Mitchell Creek etc; erosion control works; integrated weed management; and litter management.
The Mitchell Creek catchment is a valuable natural resource within the urban area of Palmerston, the fastest growing city in the NT. There are areas of remnant vegetation including riparian communities, savannah woodland, melaleuca swamps, Pandanus drainage areas, grasslands and mangroves. In combination, these areas provide significant environmental, social, cultural and economic benefits to the community.
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