McMinns Lagoon Reserve Association’s Bushcare Major Day Out 2019

Sunday 8th September 2019
A beautiful, sunny, dry season morning heralded the start of the 6th annual McMinns Lagoon Reserve Association’s Bushcare Major Day Out 2019. The weather was perfect and so were the surroundings, though everyone who stopped to watch the pelicans, jabiru and other birds on the Lagoon lamented our poor wet season and commented that they’d never seen the Lagoon so dry before. The lagoon has shrunk to two pools of water, a reflection of our Top End’s dwindling water supply.
A gentle breeze rippled through the Reserve carrying the delicious aroma of frying onions and sausages from the Lions Club BBQ, and the Black Wattle trees kept the stalls cool and shaded all day. The stalls situated around the lagoon were all interesting to visit. There was the Crocwise stall with its giant crocodile skull, Darwin Wildlife Sanctuary had a variety of wildlife on display and was very popular with the kids, Landcare NT had an information stall about local Landcare groups, and there was a native plant stall for the gardeners. There were also homemade art, craft and herbal stalls scattered through the bush along the walk to the Lagoon, plus a smoothie stall, coffee stall and pony rides.
The Bushcare Major Day Out activities were very popular. People could join in and learn about Indigenous basket and mat weaving, children had the opportunity to see and touch wildlife up close, and enthusiastic walkers set off for a 2.7km guided walk around the Lagoon. The Lagoon also provided its own activities, with children seen exploring the water’s edge and climbing trees. One group of kids even appeared to have been swimming in the mud, judging by the state of their clothes and the smiles on their faces. The stalls and activities were well promoted on social media through the Bushcare Major Day Out 2019 Facebook Event page as well as on TV and radio, ensuring many people knew the event was on.
People flocked to the Bushcare Major Day Out 2019 in droves. By 10am both sides of Dreamtime Drive were lined with parked cars. The day was a huge success!
Successes don’t just happen, they are made. Months of work and preparation by McMinns Lagoon Reserve Association volunteers, especially Brian McWilliam and Emma Sheehan, made the Bushcare Major Day Out 2019 the major success it was. Landcare NT congratulates McMinns Lagoon Reserve Association for making the day such a wonderful event. We also thank the many groups and organisations who made the day possible:
NT Community Benefit Fund
Litchfield Council
Bendigo Bank, Coolalinga
St John’s Ambulance
Humpty Doo Hardware
Turbo Tyres
And the many other individuals who helped make the day possible.