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Landcare NT News

28 September 2022

National Landcare Conference & Awards 2022

National Landcare Conference & Awards 2022

Landcarers from across the Northern Territory had a great time at the National Landcare Conference in Sydney from the 23rd-25th August. Hosted by Costa Georgiadis, this event brought together Landcarers from across the country doing great things for the environment and the community in their local areas.

18 October 2021

Sustainable Land Management Field Days on Central Australian Rangelands– An outback success story

Sustainable Land Management Field Days on Central Australian Rangelands– An outback success story

​Over 60 attendees participated in the Sustainable Land Management Field Days held at the Aileron Racecourse and on Aileron Station, 130 km north of Alice Springs, NT, on the 12th and 13th of October. Land resource managers including pastoralists, experts from both government and industry, land council representatives and miners united to learn about sustainable land management in the central Australian rangelands.

22 June 2021

Landcare NT Tours the Top End – May 2021

Landcare NT Tours the Top End – May 2021

​As the peak body for community Landcare in the Northern Territory, an important part of the organisations role is to represent, strengthen, support and grow the Northern Territory’s community Landcare movement. Landcare NT recently spent four days visiting with member groups and project partners in the Greater Darwin area. Madonna Wuttke (Executive Officer) and Sheree Bowman (Support Officer) had the opportunity to learn more about the work groups are doing, their achievements and challenges.

08 June 2021



SAVE THE DATE (12 & 13 October) for this great opportunity. Landcare NT will be delivering a field day in Central Australia with the aim to improve capacity for conservation and land management for sustainable production and biodiversity on central Australian pastoral lands.

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