ABC Radio Interview, Emily Raso - Launching Darwin Harbour Catchment Waterways Project And Navigating Core Funding Uncertainty

Last week, Emily Raso CEO for Landcare NT was interviewed by ABC Radio about the upcoming Darwin Catchment Waterways project being launched, while simultaneously navigating Australian Government core funding ending in a matter of days.
The exciting new $3.82 million project, which is an initiative of the Australian Government Urban Rivers and Catchments program, will help improve the health of priority waterways including Rapid Creek, Ludmilla Creek, Sandy Creek (within Casuarina Coastal Reserve) and Mitchell Creek, enhancing community biodiversity (flora and fauna) and improving water quality in these regions. The project will also engage and educate communities about these unique and precious waterways and will be guided by the expertise of local ecology experts, Larrakia traditional land and water management groups and local landcare groups.
While Landcare NT has started recruitment and early stages of planning for management of the Waterways Project, it's interesting times for the Territory's only community landcare peak body, as core funding beyond March 31st is yet to be confirmed.
Listen to the full interview here: