All the latest Landcare NT News
Posted on 16 December, 2024

Celebrating Landcare in the NT: 2023-2024 Good News Stories Now Published!

Celebrating Landcare in the NT: 2023-2024 Good News Stories Now Published!

Each year Landcare NT conducts a survey to capture the current activities, site information and identified key priorities and needs of our Member Groups, helping us better support and advocate for our members and for Landcare.

We also gather good news stories which we share in our Celebrating Landcare in the NT publication, highlighting the diverse and real impacts that community Landcare is having across the Territory. These stories and survey data show that while Landcare may (importantly) involve pulling weeds and planting trees, it's about much more! Landcare also helps build stronger and more resilient communities, creates meaningful partnerships to achieve better outcomes, values culture and traditional land management expertise and delivers better health and wellbeing outcomes for communities.

Thank you to all the Landcare NT Member Groups and volunteers who contributed their stories and photos. And thank you for your continued care of our precious land and waterways for the benefit of our current and future generations.

Please read the full Celebrating Landcare in the NT publication on our website here.

You can help promote community Landcare in the NT by sharing our video which you can view on YouTube here.

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