Coastcare Funding Opportunity from Landcare Australia
Landcare Australia and Coca-Cola South Pacific have a funding opportunity for Coastcare groups to continue their vital work across the country on the protection and management of Australia’s coastal and marine environments.
Since 2006, Coca-Cola South Pacific with The Coca-Cola Foundation has partnered with Landcare Australia, providing funding to a range of community projects and engaging employees in environmental volunteering activities across Australia.
This time we are looking for projects that create sustainable coastlines, through marine litter collection / recycling, restoration and protection, and / or increasing community awareness of the effects of litter and pollution entering the marine waterways.
Submissions of Expression of Interest (EOI) are open now for projects up to $15,000. To be considered, please ensure you address the following in your EOI:
1.Activities have to be in line with the Australian Government’s Threat Abatement Plan of marine debris on vertebrate marine life;
2.Encourage community participation through clean-up activities;
3.Collaboration with organisations with an interest in a healthy marine environment, e.g. professional seafood industry organisations, the general public, recreational fishers, marine supply businesses, marine tourism businesses, environmental organisations, volunteer groups, government departments, and Indigenous ranger groups;
4.Include an environmental education and awareness component;
5.Define the expected impact of the project e.g tonnes/kg of collected litter, number of ha rehabilitated / stabilised, # species/trees planted, number of volunteers involved.
To submit an EOI:
- Register as a user on the Landcare Australia Communities Portal.
- Click on ‘Landcare Australia Project Expression of Interest’.
- Click on ‘Create Application’.
- In group type make sure you select ‘Coastcare Group’
- If you wish to leave a partially completed application, click ‘Save’ and log out. You can log back in and continue to edit your application form until you are ready to submit.
- To submit your application, select the ‘Is your EOI complete?’ checkbox and press ‘Save’.
- You will receive a confirmation email when your application has been successfully submitted.
EOI for these projects will be open until 4 September 2017 (5pm EST).
We encourage Coastcare groups located in all States and Territories to submit an EOI. Please forward this email to any Coastcare groups you know of who may be interested.
For questions about online submissions, please call Landcare Australia on (03) 8631 7800 or email landcare.grants@