Collaborating for Excellence in STEAM Education in the NT

Representatives from community, education and scientific organisations across Darwin came together on November 13th to discuss the future of STEAM education in the Top End.
Following on the successful pilot of the Biodiversity Education project, trialled by Landcare NT in partnership with Territory Native Plants and Darwin Wildlife Sanctuary, the meeting provided a platform for information sharing about other existing programs and exploring opportunities for collaboration in STEAM education.
The event highlighted the importance of working together to maximise the benefits while reducing the burden on teachers and schools with limited resources.
Donni Walker, Project Coordinator for Landcare NT presented an overview of the innovative 2024 project which has been welcomed by Darwin, Palmerston and Litchfield Primary Schools, and gave a brief outline of the plans already underway to expand its scope in 2025.
The meeting sparked interesting discussions between stakeholders, including the Department of Education, Northern Territory Government, City of Darwin, Museum and Art Gallery of the NT (MAGNT), PowerWater, Questacon (Alice Springs), NT Herbarium, and Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN), as well as the Landcare project team.
Further discussion on how community organisations and educators can work together to provide learning experiences that inspire students to appreciate the importance of conservation, sustainability, climate awareness, and environmental justice will continue at the next meeting proposed for January 2025.