All the latest Landcare NT News
Posted on 26 August, 2019

Dry Season Landcare at Casuarina Coastal Reserve

Dry Season Landcare at Casuarina Coastal Reserve

Casuarina Coastal Reserve Landcare Group’s August watering working bee was a case of ‘many hands making light work’. We had a great turn up of regular volunteers and a new family that came via Facebook.

A few years ago one of our volunteers successfully obtained the donation of a 1000 litre pod from NTRS which has been handy at the end of every Dry Season. We load it onto the back of our old ute and fill it as full as we dare at a water point the Park rangers let us access. Then it’s just a matter of filling buckets and finding helpers.

This working bee was posted as an event on the Friends of Casuarina Coastal Reserve Facebook Page. Someone who wasn’t able to attend showed his brother who came with his partner and told his mum who brought his enthusiastic niece and nephew along. That meant five extra sets of hands and fourteen people altogether.

We had fruit for a mid-morning snack while new and longstanding volunteers got to know one another and checked out the descriptions in Brock’s Native Plants of Northern Australia and the NT Wildlife Field Guide. One of the youngest helpers was very excited to see a Forest Kingfisher watching us from a tall paperbark.

There was lots of interest in our next event, a clean-up of rubbish along Sandy Creek on September 8th. We’ve registered it as part of the Great Northern Cleanup which means Clean Up Australia will supply us with bags and gloves. The Park Rangers help by removing the rubbish we save from entering the mangroves and Harbour when the first big rains wash through the catchment. Volunteers can register or just turn up on the day. The details are at this link:

Deb and Andris

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