Exciting News For Darwin Waterways And Ecosystems

The Australian Government announced yesterday the allocation of $3.82 million in funding to restore urban waterways in Darwin and Palmerston regions via the Darwin Harbour Catchment Waterways Project.
Landcare NT welcome this exciting news and will be leading the project in partnership with local Landcare groups, as an initiative of the Australian Government Urban Rivers and Catchments program.
The project will help improve the health of priority waterways including Rapid Creek, Ludmilla Creek, Sandy Creek (within Casuarina Coastal Reserve) and Mitchell Creek, enhancing community biodiversity (flora and fauna) and improving water quality to benefit native species in these regions. There will also be a focus on community engagement and education about these unique and precious waterways.
Guided by the expertise of local ecology and flora and fauna experts and Larrakia traditional land and water management groups the project will be delivered by Landcare NT, local Landcare groups and a wide network of volunteers.
Landcare NT represents over 20 community Landcare groups across the NT who play an essential role in the ongoing monitoring and improvement of the health of our natural landscapes. The funding of this project will help ensure the vital work of these community groups and volunteers continues to be supported - an increasingly important function as the environmental stresses associated with climate change impact on the resilience and health of our natural ecosystems. Specifically, this funding will allow us to collectively remove threatening weed species and gross and stormwater pollutants, restore riparian vegetation and implement fire, erosion and litter management activities.
The project is expected to take place over the next four years and will help ensure these natural habitats and recreation areas are protected for future children and communities to enjoy.
Thanks to Luke Gosling MP for his strong support of community led Landcare.
If you would like to learn more about or be part of a local Landcare group and help restore and improve the biodiversity and health of our natural environments, please visit our website at www.landcarent.org.au/groups/ or contact us at [email protected].