Landcare NT Visits McMinns Lagoon Reserve
Earlier this year, the Landcare NT team, met with long-time Landcarer Brian McWilliams at McMinns Lagoon Recreational Reserve. Brian has long had a love for McMinns Reserve, starting with the purchase of a block of land nearby to call home in the 1970’s. Shortly following, he became a steward for the site and gathered many other volunteers to help.
The reserve was once degraded farming land, transformed into a biodiverse oasis, now with over 150 bird species utilising the site throughout the year. The McMinns Lagoon Reserve Landcare Group is supported by the Litchfield Council to manage the reserve. Their work involves, walking track and park maintenance, weed control activities and revegetation. Their volunteer efforts have transformed the reserve and their presence continues to maintain momentum.
Brian gave Landcare NT a tour of the site and discussed the groups achievements over the many years and the challenges they are facing moving forward. The main challenge is the lack of volunteer availability, with many long-term volunteers being less able and moving on, the group could use an injection of new energy and younger volunteers. This is a common predicament faced by many community groups.
Landcare NT supports the group with information about training and funding opportunities, facilitation of school group volunteering and educational experiences and through participation of events such as the McMinns Lagoon Reserve Bushcare Major Day Out.
As a member of Landcare NT, McMinns Lagoon Reserve Landcare Group is part of a national network of community groups that make up the National Landcare Network (NLN). The NLN provides national representation for community Landcare across Australia – led by the community, for the community. You can find out more about the NLN here –