Rapid Creek Landcare Group Welcomes You to Help Us Celebrate 50 Years of Mangrove Recovery!

From devastation to vibrant wetlands - Rapid Creek Landcare Group is inviting you to witness the stunning recovery of the region's mangroves!
A Brief Snapshot
In 1974, Rapid Creek’s mangroves, downstream from Trower Road, were bulldozed for the Brinkin Lake housing development. Then, on Christmas Eve, Cyclone Tracy wiped out all remaining large trees.
Fast forward to 2024 - Rapid Creek Landcare Group is celebrating the natural regeneration and the return of a healthy ecosystem for our animals, birds and marine life.
Join the Celebration!
Come out for a fascinating and fun day of hearing local stories, joining guided walks, and discovering the area's remarkable transformation. Bring your family to share your memories, learn from experts, and enjoy mangrove walks, bird watching excursions, and kids' activities and education.
The program will include:
- Welcome to Gurambai
- History display
- Mangrove tours with experts
- Bird spotting
- Light Refreshments provided
WHEN: Sunday 24 November 2024 from 8am-10am
WHERE: The Spit, upstream from the Yellow Bridge
TICKETS: $7/adult, children FREE
If you’d like to explore the Rapid Creek area in the meantime, you can download the Rapid Creek Landcare Group’s walking trails map and to check out the native birds along the way download their map and bird guide here.

Rapid Creek Landcare Group working bee

Rapid Creek Landcare Group cleanup day

Osbornia Octodonta - the Spit's mangrove tree

Rapid Creek Landcare Group cleanup day

Rapid Creek Landcare Group cleanup day

Map of the Spit Mangroves