Schools Tree Day in Katherine - 26 July 2019

Katherine South Primary School's (KSPS) Transition to Year 2 students have spent time this term in S.T.E.A.M. classes learning about nature and the importance of trees as part of their activities for Schools Tree Day (National Tree Day for schools) last month.
The Transition and Yr 1 students created a tree mural for the science room and made artwork in order to enter a Planet Ark competition about where they would like to see more green in Katherine.
The Year 2 students participated by planting tropical fruiting trees in the school garden, such as Sapote, Sapodilla, Custard Apple and Soursop.
KSPS would like to say a big thank you to the support received from the community, donations from parents and their partnership with Katherine's local Mitre10 store which made the planting possible.